Body Purification

Body Purification

In order to fully understand that this unique kind of environmental process yucca is capable of doing within its system, it is necessary to focus attention on two levels: the philosophical and the biochemical. To better comprehend the first, we need to briefly examine an ethical culture in which yucca plays a vital role. To the Navajo states on anthropological works, "elimination or friction and restoration of harmony in the total economy of things” is the primary importance.

This is probably why yucca is in such demand among these particular American Natives for washing wool or clothing, shampooing hair, bathing the body, ceremonial baths, purification baths, following burials, and for childbirth as well. In all of these various functions it will be observed how closely intertwined the seular is with the spiritual.

The Navajo view them as inseparable and consider yucca to be the only plant capable enough of thoroughly cleansing both realms.

On the more rational side of biochemistry, we know that the herb contain many saponin which in the words of one authority, "are as cleansing as any store bought soap is. According to an important reference work saponin reduces inflammation and swelling, kills harmful microbes, and destroys deadlier viruses, reduces serum cholesterol, and eliminates mucus wastes from the body. From this brief description we can see just how well these yucca constituents can scrub crystallized joints, wipe away germs, clean out clogged arteries, and generally throw out the junk and goo our bodies can do without.

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